Offer Seatbelts Europe

56898 - Offer Seatbelts Europe
56898 - Offer Seatbelts Europe
56898 - Offer Seatbelts Europe
56898 - Offer Seatbelts Europe
56898 - Offer Seatbelts Europe
56898 - Offer Seatbelts Europe
56898 - Offer Seatbelts Europe
56898 - Offer Seatbelts Europe
56898 - Offer Seatbelts Europe
56898 - Offer Seatbelts Europe
56898 - Offer Seatbelts Europe

Offer Seatbelts Europe

Item number: 56898

We have a new entry of seatbelts as follows
Loose pieces in boxes: 7 969 kg. at 1.15 EUR kg.
Rolls: 5 596 kg. at 1.65 EUR kg.
Mixed colours / mixed types / mixed piece lengths
We sell these goods in 1 lot, so the total quantity of 13 565 in one container load.
EXW Holland

Price: 1.15 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.