Little Budha Europe

30913 - Little Budha Europe
30913 - Little Budha Europe
30913 - Little Budha Europe
30913 - Little Budha Europe
30913 - Little Budha Europe

Little Budha Europe

Item number: 30913

Motorcycle jackets 3 models for each models around 260 pieces
Size Radio from S to XXXL to 6 pieces assortment
Hoodies 5 models for each models around 150 pieces
Size Radio from S to XXL to 5 pieces assortment
Total: 1 530 pcs.
Prices: Hoodies 33.00 EUR pcs., Motorcycle jackets 42.00 EUR pcs.
Free shipping and handling !!!
You will have the necessary permission documents

Additional information:

More pictures More pictures here

Price: 33.00 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.